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What is Cancer?
How is it caused?
Can any cancers be cured?
What are the treatments like?

Cancer is a mystery to most people - a deadly mystery. Many believe that just about anything you eat or anything you do today will cause cancer. This is not the case, and the aim of Understanding Cancer is to remove the misconceptions that surround the disease and make it understandable to the general public.

Ron Hicks offers a realistic picture, based on international medical research, with statistics on cancer incidence and death rates. But he paints a picture of cautious optimism.

This book will answer most of the questions people ask about the disease. But above all it emphasises that as virtually all cancers are believed to be caused by the environment, most cancers can be prevented or avoided.

Understanding Cancer
Rum, Regulations and Riches
Who was it who said that one of the cleanest and bloodiest battles ever fought were in hospitals? Well, they were only half right; the health system as a whole has been a battlefield.

Health care is provided at the junction where free enterprise and the bureaucracy collide. What spectacle, what chaos, what intrigue!

The politics of health go to the very heart of the political philosophies of the major parties. Is it to be the free enterprise model which will provide cheap and efficient health care, or is it simply robbing the poor to pay the elite? Is it to Government providing abundant and humane care, or is it a resource devouring bureaucracy which rushes about generating need?

What a debate, what a noise, what a result! The see-saw has led to a jig saw.